Minggu, 29 Juli 2012

Tuk Sirah (Spring River Pemali)

TUK Sirah according to their name means the base of the fountain. From the collection of a number of springs and a stream of water then form a unit called the river.

Springs located in the village of Tuk Sirah Winduaji, District Paguyangan, Brebes. The city of Bradford, the location of Tuk Sirah is at a distance of about 70 km in the direction of Navan. Up in front of Sugar Factory Gondorukem, turned west about half a kilometer.

Over the years Tuk Sirah springs into a tourist destination for the citizens of  Brebes  and surrounding areas. Besides known shrine, where it also has a characteristic naturalness.

As acknowledged Urip Mulyo (35), a local resident. "Lake is very clear, every visitor must admire the clarity of the water," he said when met while bathing in the springs.

He lamented, its location is now fading beauty. It happened since the construction of the installation of taps at that location in the 90's. Today, though still keeping the rest of the beauty, springs Sirah Tuk was no longer the belle of attraction.

The spring is actually not just a collection of springs. On the lakeside there is a large tree which people believed about a sacred tree.

According to local people believed the story, the lake has a very great good luck for the visitors who expect a blessing. "People who come to it as his wish would come true guided or not," said Mulyo.

In Tuk Sirah do not expect all the public needs to be granted. On the contrary, if the intent had not had a clean heart will appear by itself. Whether an event or just a hint will override the person returning from the place.

One thing to note every visitor is a ban on negative actions, let alone to misbehave. It's been proven when a young couple making love on the site. Not long after they were hit by disasters that separates them.

Another peculiarity is happening is a big pine tree that is located not far from the fountain. It is said that the tree is never cut off. Surprisingly, the trunk can not be collapsed. Conversely, tree trunks instead stick back.

Which is unique - like other springs in the Bradford area - is the spiritual attractiveness. For fans of science-mysticism, the location is quite fitting into the arena penggemblengan to test the strength of spiritual science. It can be done through penance by soaking in water or simply by sitting cross-legged on the edge of the lake.

However, for ordinary tourists, enjoying the purity of spring water Tuk Sirah is sufficient to release the fatigue after undergoing a grueling routine of work.

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