Senin, 30 Juli 2012


Pemalang Regency, is a Regency in Central Java province. The capital is Pemalang. This Regency is bordered by Java Sea to the north, Pekalongan Regency in the east, south Purbalingga, and Tegal regency in the west.
BEACH WIDURILocation in the widuri village of Pemalang  (+ 3 Km North Pemalang City). widuri is a tourist beach Beach tourism air cool, big trees and shady century-old who lined up neatly along the beach. Evening visitors can enjoy a charming panorama sun set. Tennis courts, stage entertainment and a means of children's toys. This tour is easily accessible objects with various types of vehicles.SWIMMING POOL & RESORT MOGALocations in District Moga village Moga (+ 41 km south of the city of Pemalang). This tour will be objects of natural and District Swimming Pool Resorts are surrounded by air cool mountain scenery. For fans of the fruit is not far from there Wisatatani Object, stalls that provide a variety of fruits such as pineapple, avocado and rambutan.CEPOKO WULUNGLocated in the village Banyumudal of Moga district  (+ 44 Km South Pemalang City). Tourism is an object of the pine forests where there are many sources of crystal clear springs. Cepaka wulung currently equipped with a Swimming Pool Natural and Stage Entertainment. Object This tour is suitable for hiking and camping sport.CURUG SIBEDILA waterfall with a height of + 20 meters is located in the village of Moga district Sima (+ / - 46 Km Southwest direction Pemalang City). Sibedil named because it is not far from the location of this object there is a stone that looks like a rifle. This waterfall presents a peaceful atmosphere so that the place is suitable for removing the saturation of the daily routine.CURUG SIPENDOKLocated in the village of Moga district Mandiraja (+ 50 Km Southwest direction Pemalang City). Sipendok waterfall has a height of 7 meters + is surrounded by mountain scenery and the air cool. Around the object, there are many rock art that add beautiful surroundings.TELAGA SILATINGLocated in the Village District Sikasur Belik (+ 33 Km South direction Pemalang City). Silating lake flanked by scenic hills. Tourism is the object of great potential for tourism tirta. In the months specified in the Object this week staged a dipagelarkan dangdut music on stage entertainment, which are located right above the lake.CURUG BENGKAWAHLocated in the Village District Sikasur Belik (+ 35 Km South direction Pemalang City) is a beautiful waterfall with a height of about 20 meters. This waterfall was flowing water that never dry and create a peaceful atmosphere around it. For sports lovers of hiking, this place is very suitable for recreational purposes.ELEPHANT MOUNTAINLocated in the Village District Gongseng Randudongkal (+ 35 Km Southwest direction Pemalang City). + Elephant mountain has a height of 1100 meters above sea level. Mount Elephant Named for its shape resembling the figure of an elephant. For fans of the sport of rock climbing this mountain presents a challenging field. From the top of the mountain which consists mainly of these giant rocks lay a beautiful panorama.GUNUNGWANGI CAVES
Located in the village of Kuta district Bantabolang (+ 26 Km Southwest direction Pemalang City). Fragrant Mountain Goa cluster consists of five caves is Cave Suite, Buyung Goa, Goa Laren, Goa and Goa Demon Bandung. Buyung Goa is the largest and longest. It is said that through the end of the aisle to the borders of West Java. Under the halls of the cave there are panorama of underground rock that mushroomed Stalactite cave passage was so charismatic and creates a mystical impression.BEACH JOKO TINGKIRLocated in the Village Nyamplungsari (Expansion of the Village Loning) District Petarukan (+ 12 km Northeast Pemalang City). Object is an Object Tourism Tourism unspoiled beach. Presented in this beach beautiful blue seascape, seagulls and traditional boats. Evening to watch a lot of young people sunset panorama. There are also stalls lesehan with grilled fish menu, with an affordable price. Admission to tourist sites only Rp.1500, -. Java vast expanse of sea and the sea breeze on the sidelines really exciting as the pine trees where off fatigue.BEACH BLENDUNGLocated in the Village District Blendung Ulujami (+ 26 km Northeast Pemalang City). Blendung beach is an unspoiled beach. during a full moon night a lot of young people gathered for the evening entertainment scene is usually staged dangdut.HILL MENDELEMLocated in the Village District Mendelem Belik (+ 45 Km South direction Pemalang City). This hill has a height of + / - 1,450 meters above sea level and consists mainly of diorite rocks. At first glance this looks like a sculptured hill pualam.Bagi sport of rock climbing enthusiasts, this hill is very suitable for recreational purposes.Curug maceLocated in the Village District Mendelem Belik (+ 47 km southeast direction Pemalang City). Lawang waterfall has a height of + 12 meters and its location sandwiched between the rocks are surrounded by mountain scenery. This place is perfect for sports fans walk.Barong CurugLocated in the Village of Mount Jaya District Belik (+ 51 km southeast direction Pemalang City). Waterfall with a height of + 25 meter hill is located between the cracks. To reach this waterfall to walk as far as + 3 km with up and down the hill. Once at the foot of the waterfall will disappear all tired of seeing and enjoying the panoramic view of peace in this waterfall.TELAGA RengganisLocated at the Village Gate District Watukumpul (+ 63 km east Pemalang City). Rengganis lake located between the hills and pine forests. This tour is very suitable object for camping and hiking. Set up a tent on the banks of the lake, fishing or enjoy the natural atmosphere of the mountains is a recreation of reassuring people. This place is also ideal for touring tirta.


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