Senin, 23 Juli 2012


Brebes district is one of the counties located west of the province of Central Java. Lots of places - the sights can be visited in the Brebes district. Generally it is nature as Brebes area stretching from the ocean to the mountains. Here are the attractions in the  Brebes  district
1. Reservoir Malahayu (Waduk Malahayu)
2. Reservoir Penjalin (Waduk Penjalin)
3. Spring River Pemali (Mata Air Kali Pemali)
4. Randusanga beach (Pantai Randusanga)
5. Hot baths Cipanas Bantarkawung (Pemandian Air Panas Cipanas Bantarkawung)
6. Hot baths Cipanas Kedungoleng (Pemandian Air Panas Dipanas Kedungoleng Paguyangan)
7. Ranjeng Lake Nature Reserve (Telaga Renjeng)
8. Wellspring Cibentar, Bentarsari, Salem (Mata Air Cibentar, Bentarsari Salem)
9. Waterfall Waru Doyong (Air Terjun Waru Doyong)
10. Two Spring Temperatures (Mata Air Dua Suhu)
11. Ciblon Waterboom Brebes (Ciblon Waterboom)
12. Agro Kaligua (Agrowisata - Kebun Teh Kali Gua)
13. Agro Sepoor Teboe Jatibarang PG (Agro Wisata Sepur Tegu PG Jatibarang)
14. Durian quiet garden in the village of Sari Rajawetan, Tonjong (Kebun Durian Di Desa Raja Wetan Tonjong)

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